lol stoned gorilla i've played with you on Untouchables knife/fun server :D! thank god i was in ur team, cause u cheated like hell :D! That speed hack was pretty lol, LOL! anyways nice movie :P
lol stoned gorilla i've played with you on Untouchables knife/fun server :D! thank god i was in ur team, cause u cheated like hell :D! That speed hack was pretty lol, LOL! anyways nice movie :P
finally a good ww2 film :), please tell me where you got those beautiful sounds!!! thanks
okey... lets be honest, i actually started crying. Good job man, it's great to see that you can do other stuff than just violence :), keep it up
Can't wait 'ntill it's finished! :D
OMG11!11 1337!!
VOTE OFF BARTZ AND MEGAMAN!!! AND LET MARIO KILL HIMSELF! only voted 4 cause didnt get to se any of them have sex :/
Thanks for the review and votes. Your the first of 7 who can actually vote properly. Well done. You are L33T also. Cheers
That was awesome! where you found thos sprites?! =D
Playing around with sprites is something I enjoy so I edited them myself (most are lazy pallet shifts). I’m glad you liked them. I don’t, I kind of half-assed them. But I’m really critical about that kind of stuff.
Oh my god that movie owned:D! Great graphics! Keep up!!
i just luv prank phone calls :D good job
Please tell me how to do human, have you made every part of his body a motion tween or have you done all his movement fram by frame? please respond cause i really wanna know! thanks
well, actually there are not lots of movement in this cartoon, but mostly I use tweens to move arms and head, I usually divide the arm in three parts (hand, first arm (from wrist to elbow) and second arm (from elbow to shoulder)) then I can move easily them by tweens, for the walking (which is not in this cartoon) I still divide the leg in three parts but I make the animation frame by frame, you can chose both the ways and never surrend if you fail the first time, you keep trying!
Put this one the frontpage damnit!!!
yoyoyo i'm currently working on lemmings lvl 1,2 and 3 and a small film for a halloween collab.
Age 34, Male
Lund, Sweden
Joined on 7/26/03